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A Reason for my Absence…

Dollar Cinema Logo

I didn’t spend all these months working on the logo…

Hello blog. I’m back. But I didn’t forget you. No far from it. I’ve been away, busy.

True, abandoned WordPress blogs must hear that all the time from delinquent bloggers, and I guess I’m one of them. But I have been quite busy, and I’d like to share it with you:

My new Web Series, Dollar Cinema goes into production this July.

It’s a comedy about a young Indo-Canadian woman named Amita who inherits an old dilapidated movie house and has to choose between selling it to a real-estate developer intent on creating the next great shopping centre, or running it herself and facing almost certain financial ruin.

Amita will need to team up with her opportunistic half-Indian, half-Italian cousin Mario and the people who work at the cinema, misfits so out of it that the only place they can get work is at a movie house that charges a buck for entry.

The Indiegogo campaign is here, and if you’re in the Vancouver area this July and want to help out, drop me a line. Particularly if you want to cater! And can make gluten-free meals!


Uncreative Phone Message

Got a wrong number the other day. What makes this funny is the guy then proceeds to chew me a new one for not having a more creative greeting on my answering machine. Very odd, but also highly amusing.

Uncreative Answering Machine

And yes, we still have one of those old-fashioned answering machines, the kind you’d only see people in movies use because it’s a plot device.